Agenda item

Southampton Provider Quality Accounts 2015/16

Report of the Service Director, Legal and Governance introducing the 2015/16 draft Quality Accounts for NHS providers operating within Southampton.


The Panel considered the report of the Service Director, Legal and Governance introducing the 2015/16 draft Quality Accounts for NHS providers operating within Southampton.


University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust (UHS)


Gail Byrne, Director of Nursing and Organisational Development at UHS and Jane Hayward, Director of Transformation and Improvement UHS were present and with the consent of the Chair addressed the meeting. 


The Trust outlined its performance against 2015/16 targets and reasons for choosing the priorities for the forthcoming year.  Clarification was given to the Panel on the initiatives outlined in the introduction to the Quality Account relating to the new 7 day service standards and staff health and wellbeing.  The Panel requested that it be provided with the priorities and targets for 2016/17 that are referenced in Appendix C. 


The Panel welcomed the improvements identified in the draft Quality Account and noted that there was still work to do to improve performance in a number of areas, notably within the Emergency Department.


Care UK


Penny Daniels, Hospital Director at Southampton NHS Treatment Centre and Minor Injuries Unit and Rachel Broadly, Medical Director at Southampton NHS Treatment Centre were present and with the consent of the Chair addressed the meeting. 


The Panel noted that the Care Quality Commission had assessed the Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) overall as “Good” in 2015 and that they had been rated “outstanding” for caring.


The Panel were provided with highlights of the draft Quality Account, detailing the performance against the priorities set out in 2015-2016 and the reasons for choosing the priorities for the forthcoming year.  The Panel raised questions relating to the aftercare service offered and were pleased to see the introduction of a Dementia Screening Tool in pre-op planning. 


In addition the Panel questioned whether the closure of the Bitterne Walk in Centre had caused an increase in the number of people attending the MIU.  In response it was noted that the number of people attending the MIU had increased in the past 6 months, this was placed within the context of an increase nationally in the demand for urgent care.


Solent NHS Trust


Ellen McNicholas, Deputy Director of Nursing Solent NHS Trust and Alex Whitfield, Chief Operating Officer Solent NHS Trust outlined the draft of the Trusts 2015-2016 Quality Account to the Panel.  It was noted that the draft presented to the Panel for consideration was at a very early stage of preparation. It was noted that the CQC were to inspect the Trust in June 2016.  In addition the Panel received an update on the financial position of the Trust.


Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust


Dr Lesley Stevens, Medical Director and Professor David Kingdon, Clinical Services Director for Adult Mental Health in Southampton for Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust presented the draft Quality Account to the Panel.  It was noted that the Trust had not achieved a number of the priorities set out in the previous years Quality Account.  The Panel noted that there had been an improvement in some of the priorities for services within the City of Southampton but, that across the Trust as a whole there continued to be concerns.  It was noted that the Trust continued to be under a great deal of scrutiny both nationally and regionally and that measures put in place in the early part of 2016 had not yet had sufficient time to bed in properly. 


John Richards - Chief Officer NHS Southampton City Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) was also present and was asked by the Chair to provide the CCG’s evaluation of the Quality Accounts.


RESOLVED that the Panel;


(i)  Noted the draft 2015/16 Quality Accounts from the University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, Care UK, Solent NHS Trust and Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust. 

(ii)  Agreed that a response to each Quality Account would be developed, following consultation with the Chair, for inclusion within the final reports;

(iii)  Requested that it be provided with the priorities and targets for 2016/17 that are referenced in Appendix C of the University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust Quality Account.


Supporting documents: