Agenda item

Property Disposals

Report of the Leader of the Council seeking authority to agree the terms of the leasing of Nutfield Court Nursery and to dispose of various properties identified on the Property Disposal Programme including seeking delegated authority to the Head of Property to agree the sale terms and price and where relevant to agree the reserve prices for those properties identified for auction, attached.


DECISION MADE: (CAB 15/16 15931)


On consideration of the report of the Leader of the Council, Cabinet agreed the following:


i)  In respect of the former Woolston School, Porchester Road to delegate authority to the Head of Property to negotiate and accept the best bid for the properties and agree the final terms of sale and carry out all ancillary matters to dispose of the properties;

ii)  In respect of Former Kennels at 131A Warren Avenue Woolston Library, Portsmouth Road Seymour House, Seymour Road (HRA)to approve the principle of the sale by auction and to delegate authority to the Head of Property (in the case of Seymour House after consultation with Head of Housing Services) to approve the reserve prices;

iii)  In the case of the properties sold at auction to confirm that the appointed auctioneer be authorised to sign the contract for sale immediately after the auction;

iv)  To approve the terms of the letting of Nutfield Court Nursery to Newsfields Gardening;

v)  To authorise the Head of Property to undertake all ancillary matters to give effect to this resolution; and

vi)  To note the estimated value of the capital receipt from these disposals has already been built into the funding of the capital programme. Any receipts that differ from the estimates will need to be considered corporately as part of any future prioritisation of resources as the intention is to use any additional capital receipts from disposals over and above those which are funding the current programme to repay long-term council borrowing.

Supporting documents: