Agenda item

Southampton City CCG Consultation - Getting the Balance Right in Community Based Health Services

Report of the Director of System Integration (CCG) detailing the process and findings of the consultation on the CCG's proposal to close the Bitterne Walk-In Service, attached.


The Panel considered the report of the Director of System Integration (CCG) detailing the process and findings of the consultation on the CCG's proposal to close the Bitterne Walk-In Service.


The Panel were given a detailed overview regarding the decision taken, reasons behind the decision and next steps from: John Richards - Chief Officer NHS Southampton City CCG, Dr Sue Robinson – Clinical Chair CCG and Alex Whitfield - Chief Operating Officer Solent NHS Trust, and with the consent of the Chair, received representations from local residents and interested parties.


Following the request for assurances outlined in the Panel’s published response to the CCG consultation Peter Horne, Director of Systems Integration CCG, provided a presentation regarding access to health services and discussed the draft Urgent and Emergency Communication Plan that had been developed by the CCG to raise awareness of, and confidence in, the alternatives to the Bitterne Walk-In Service.


The Panel were updated on the successful application made by Southampton Primary Care Limited (SPCL) to NHS England for the Prime Minister’s Challenge Fund relating to primary health care hubs in the City and, at the invitation of the Chair, the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care raised the potential for an integrated community hub on the east of the City to accommodate health and community services.



(i)  that the draft Urgent and Emergency Communication Plan be circulated to the Panel for comment;

(ii)  that response times and key performance information relating to both the NHS 111 Service and the GP Out of Hours service are circulated to the Panel;

(iii)  that the proposal for a community hub on the east side of the City be considered at a future meeting of the Panel in the event that the scheme progresses; and

(iv)  that the Panel scrutinise the impact and implementation of the closure of the Walk-In Service at each meeting of the HOSP until the Panel informs the CCG that the information is no longer required.


Supporting documents: