Agenda and minutes

Health and Wellbeing Board - Wednesday, 29th March, 2017 5.30 pm

Venue: Conference Room 3 - Civic Centre

Contact: Claire Heather, Senior Democratic Services Officer  023 8083 2412

No. Item


Statement from the Chair


The Board noted the sad death of Margaret Wheatcroft a Non-Executive Member of the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) following an unexpected accident.  Her death had impacted hugely on colleagues from the CCG and as a mark of respect a book of condolence had been opened which members of the H&WBB were welcome to sign.  The Board expressed their condolences to both the family and colleagues at the CCG.   


Disclosure of Personal and Pecuniary Interests

In accordance with the Localism Act 2011, and the Council’s Code of Conduct, Members to disclose any personal or pecuniary interests in any matter included on the agenda for this meeting.


NOTE:  Members are reminded that, where applicable, they must complete the appropriate form recording details of any such interests and hand it to the Democratic Support Officer.


Councillor Shields declared a personal interest in that he was a Council appointed representative of the Clinical Commissioning Group and remained in the meeting and took part in the consideration and determinations of items on the agenda. 


Councillor Lewzey declared a personal interest in that he was a Council appointed representative of Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust and remained in the meeting and took part in the consideration and determinations of items on the agenda.


Dr Robinson declared a personal interest in that she was a member of the Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body and remained in the meeting and took part in the consideration and determinations of items on the agenda.


Dr Jason Horsley declared a personal interest in that he was a member of the Clinical Commissioning Group Governance Board and a joint appointment with Portsmouth City Council and remained in the meeting and took part in the consideration and determinations of items on the agenda.



Minutes of the Previous Meeting (including matters arising) pdf icon PDF 68 KB

To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 25th January 2017 and to deal with any matters arising, attached.



RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting held on 25th January 2017 be approved and signed as a correct record.


Matters Arising


Minute 27 – Draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2017-2915

It was noted that this had now been approved and adopted by Full Council and the Clinical Commissioning Group.


Minute 29 – Behaviour Change Update

It was noted that the new Behaviour Change Service would launch on 4th April 2017.


Minute 30 – NHS Southampton City Council Clinical Commissioning Group Two Year Operational Plan 2017/19

Rob Kurn reported that previous criticisms of the lack of engagement relating to the STP had moved on and relationships were now working more closely and assurances provided of more meaningful engagement moving forward.




Air Quality

To receive a presentation from Mitch Sanders, Service Director Transactions and Universal Services and Debbie Chase, Consultant in Public Health.


The Board received a presentation from Mitch Sanders, Service Director Transactions and Universal Services and Debbie Chase, Consultant in Public Health on Air Quality.


The Board noted that a plan for Air Quality in the City had been in place since 2007 but had recently become a higher priority following the City being identified as 1 of 5 Cities exceeding EU Limits. As such a statutory requirement had been put in place to be a Clean Air Zone by 2020 and DEFRA had issued guidance on restrictions that must be imposed which for the moment related to commercial vehicles.  It was noted that if the restrictions were not in place then there were significant EU financial penalties albeit Brexit was now in place and associated outcomes of that however that did not detract from the Public Health element which was important.


The Board also noted that the Local Authority had been successful in a number of bids which resulted in £13M for the City to implement the approved Clean Air Strategy which sat under the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and alongside transport and other significant plans.  The Board further noted that there had been a lot of analysis of best practice and an evaluation process on impact and as such plans were now in the “implementation” phase which was seeing additional staffing and teams put in place to deliver services and ensure initiatives had impact. 


The Board noted that Cllr Hammond was the Lead Member and there was a project board in place which Debbie Chase was a member of and would provide the link and feed into the H&WBB. 




Healthy Homes

To receive a presentation from Debbie Chase, Consultant in Public Health.


The Board received a presentation from Debbie Chase, Consultant in Public Health providing an update on the Healthy Homes Project which had launched in December 2015 and targeted those that were vulnerable and needed help.  It was noted that the project had been very successful with £320k in reclaimed benefits however resources were now coming to an end and how the impact of the project was sustained and moved forward was key.


Alan Golding from the Environment Centre who was leading on fuel poverty for the City was in attendance and addressed the meeting.  The Board noted that from a national perspective there was a future obligation for energy companies to ensure their proposals were in the public domain and it would be up to Local Authorities locally to make a statement of intent in response.  Alan Golding reported that there was currently an underspend in the Healthy Homes project of £55k which could be utilised for the future but would not go far, there was no new project based funding available and an uncertainty following Brexit, however there was a meeting scheduled to discuss potential resources through funding to Local Enterprise Boards and social impact bonds.  The Board also noted that it would be important for positive publicity/promotion of the project and inclusion on the investment return as part of the evaluation process.




Better Care Priorities pdf icon PDF 208 KB

Report of Director of Quality and Integration, Quality and Commissioning, detailing updated priorities, attached.


The Board considered the report of the Director of Quality and Integration, Quality and Commissioning providing progress to date on the Better Care Plan and priorities for 2017-19.


The Board noted that National Planning Guidance 2017-19 had still not been published however it was known that planning would be across two financial years, there would be fewer national conditions and that the Better Care Fund Plan covering a minimum of the pooled fund specified in the Spending Review would need to be signed off by the H&WBB, the Council and the Clinical Commissioning Group.


The Board noted the strategic context and vision for Better Care along with key metrics and priorities for 2016/17 and beyond which included such things as a more rapid expansion of the integration agenda across the full life course, stronger focus on prevention and early intervention, a more radical shift in balance of care out of hospital and into the community, development of the community/voluntary sector.


The Board noted that key achievements to date had included six integrated cluster teams, new Community Wellbeing Service commissioned and live from 1st April, significant increase in carers identified/supported, seven separate health and social care rehab and reablement teams fully integrated, new Behaviour Change Service and expansion in extra care with the opening of Erskine Court.


Performance against national metrics was noted with Delayed Transfers of Care particularly identified as a key challenge with 55% higher than last year and 49% higher than identified in the plan.  The Board noted that a large part of the increase was around recording in that previously it was a delay of three days but was now twenty four hours together with increased complexity of cases.


The Board noted that once national guidance was issued there would only be six weeks to complete and submit the plan for the next two years.  It was being suggested that the same priorities remained for the next two years but that they become more embedded and developed.  It was noted that the plan would need H&WBB approval.  In addition the Board noted the recent Budget announcement and additional funding for Adult Social Care, the detail of which was still unclear however it was likely to be linked to Better Care plans and as such Southampton’s were well developed so therefore was a good start. 



(i)  that the priorities identified for the next two years and the direction of travel be supported; and

(ii)  that authority be delegated to the Chair and Vice Chair of the Board following consultation with Cllr Payne as Lead Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care to approve the two year plan on behalf of the H&WBB. 


Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Proposals pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Report of the Director of Public Health, proposing the commencement of the pharmaceutical needs assessment process, attached.


The Board received and noted the report detailing the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Refresh.  It was noted that the H&WBB had a statutory responsibility to publish a statement of the needs for pharmaceutical services on the population in its area, referred to as a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) which would need to be in place and approved by April 2018.  It was noted that there would be further updates to the Board over the forthcoming year and to support the development of the assessment it was suggested that a working group be put in place.  




Alcohol Strategy 2017-2020 pdf icon PDF 104 KB

Report of the Director of Public Health detailing the updated Alcohol Strategy for Southampton 2017-2020.

Additional documents:


The Board considered the report detailing the proposed Alcohol Strategy

2017–2025 which had been developed jointly by the H&WBB and the Safe City Partnership (SCP) and set out how partners across the City would work together to achieve a joined-up City wide approach.  The proposed strategy supported the outcomes of the H&WBB Strategy 2017-2025 and the Safe City Strategy 2016-2020 and focussed on key priorities and actions.


The Board noted that the Alcohol Strategy would be monitored by the H&WBB with Safe City Partnership and Southampton City Council as accountable leads for delivering relevant actions identified in the strategy.



(i)  That the proposed Alcohol Strategy 2017-2025 be approved and adopted; and

(ii)  That authority be delegated to the Chief Strategy Officer following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Health and Sustainable Living, Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport, Cabinet Member for Communities, Culture and Leisure, Director of Public Health, the H&WBB and SCP to review and make any changes to the Alcohol Strategy 2017-2025.