Agenda and minutes

Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel - Thursday, 23rd January, 2014 6.00 pm

Venue: Conference Room 3 - Civic Centre

Contact: Ed Grimshaw, Democratic Support Officer  023 8083 2390

No. Item


Apologies and Changes in Membership (if any)

To note any changes in membership of the Panel made in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 4.3.



The Panel noted the apologies of Councillor Lamming


Election of Vice-Chair

To elect a Vice Chair for the remaining period Municipal Year 2013/14.


RESOLVED that Councillor Claisse be elected Vice-Chair for the remainder of the municipal year.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting (including matters arising) pdf icon PDF 33 KB

To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 21 November 2013 and to deal with any matters arising, attached.


RESOLVED: that the minutes for the Panel meeting on 21st November 2013 be approved and signed as a correct record.


Inquiry into the Impact of Homelessness on the Health of Single People: Terms of Reference and Inquiry Plan pdf icon PDF 38 KB

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive, seeking approval for the terms of reference for the Panel’s inquiry into the impact of homelessness on the health of single people, attached.

Additional documents:


The Panel considered the report of the Assistant Chief Executive, seeking approval for the terms of reference for the Panel’s inquiry into the impact of housing and homelessness on the health of single people


It was noted that the Panel considered the inclusion of a robust definition of homelessness would strengthen the Inquiry’s Terms of Reference. With the consent of the Chair, a representative of the Southampton Patients’ Forum suggested that it would be helpful if the inquiry outcomes were linked with the Fairness Commission.  In addition it was noted that Healthwatch were keen to access the patient perspective.  They are currently undertaking a project considering the barriers of registration to accessing GPs.  


RESOLVED that the Panel approved the terms of reference of the inquiry subject to:

a.   allowing sufficient flexibility to enable suitable witnesses to attend.

b.  the inclusion of a definition of Homelessness


University Hospital Southampton, Emergency Department Report pdf icon PDF 28 KB

Report of the Chief Executive of University Hospital Southampton detailing the Hospital’s performance against targets the Hospital’s targets relating to the emergency department, attached.


Additional documents:


The Panel considered the report of the Chief Executive of University Hospital Southampton detailing the Hospital’s performance against targets the Hospital’s targets relating to the emergency department.


The Panel discussed the general improving performance of the Hospital’s Emergency Department and the ongoing steps to make improvements that would hopefully see continued improvement.  It was noted that the Hospital had changed working patterns for consultants that would allow a more efficient service.  The Panel discussed how:

·  working with Birmingham’s Emergency Depart had encouraged staff to improve standards and become more efficient.

·  The establishment of new 7 day / weekend working patterns and practices

·  The winter weather had been milder than the previous two years;

·  15 beds had been set up to enable patient assessments away from an acute setting in a temporary nursing care setting.  This should release those patients with complex care needs that have previously delayed the availability of beds.



·  further information regarding elderly care assessment and vulnerable adult assessment be provided at a future meeting;

·  future performance of the hospital is assessed against the latest delivery plan.


University Hospital Southampton, Cleanliness update

To receive a verbal update.


The Panel received a verbal update from the University Hospital Southampton Chief Operating Officer briefing them on the Hospital’s cleaning regime. 


It was noted that the contractor undertaking the cleaning had a range of standards to adhere to dependent on the area involved.  It was explained that clinical areas had more stringent requirements for cleanliness. The Panel were informed of how the monitoring process was structured and how senior officers were made aware of any areas that needed attention


The Panel noted that recent norovirus outbreak in hospital had been quickly contained.  It was noted that the Hospital was taking steps to help  isolate areas of the hospital should future outbreaks occur by for example the provision of isolation units and single en suite bedrooms.


It was explained that questionnaires by visitors and patients had not indentified the issue of cleaning as a problem.  


People Directorate Budget proposals and links to the People transformation and potential future improvement pdf icon PDF 67 KB

Report of Director of Quality and Integration setting the potential outcomes of the People Directorate transformation on budget proposals, attached.


The Panel noted the report of the Director of Quality and Integration setting the potential outcomes of the People Directorate transformation on budget proposals


Councillor Shields, Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care, introduced the item detailing the various themes set out within report. 


The Panel explored how robust the assumptions were that the enabling patients to take control of their circumstances would have.  The Panel noted that these models had been assessed from a variety of authorities who had success with programmes to enable patients to stay at home for longer.


The Panel discussed the importance of direct payments to patients and noted that were authorities had been successful in rolling these out there had been a notable increase in patients quality of life aligned with practical savings that could then be redistributed.


With consent of the Chair, a member of the public addressed the meeting and requested that some relevance be given to the statistics with in the reports to indicate how the Council was performing.


Integrated Commissioning and Quality pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Report, of Director of Quality and Integration, providing an update on the progress of the Integrated Commissioning Unit in achieving the agreed work programme and performance and finance outcomes, attached.

Additional documents:


The Panel considered the report of the Director of Quality and Integration, providing an update on the progress of the Integrated Commissioning Unit in achieving the agreed work programme and performance and finance outcomes.


The Panel noted that the Unit had opened on 6th December 2013 and that this was its first report to the Panel.


The Panel discussed the development of the Integrated Commissioning Unit’s (ICU) work streams on how in particular it would develop in regard to:


  • Quality assurance
  • Supporting families;
  • Integrated Care for vulnerable people;
  • the provision health care to children at school and the ICU role in commission the services required in this area; and
  • how the market place could be used to drive up service standards and quality.




(i)  matters relating to the provision of a domiciliary care tender be considered by the Panel at a future meeting;

(ii)  officers should review how information relating to the status of care homes is presented on the website;

(iii)  officers be requested to arrange for Panel members to attend future quality team inspections as an observer.