Agenda and draft minutes

Schools Forum - Wednesday, 20th March, 2024 4.00 pm

Venue: Virtual Meetings - Virtual meeting. View directions

Contact: Schools Forum Administration  Email:

Note: Open to the public at Room 105 Civic Centre 

No. Item


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 207 KB

Minutes of the meeting held on 24th January 2024, attached.


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 24th January 2024 be noted and approved as a correct record.


Standing Item: LA Update on DFE/ESFA Funding Announcements pdf icon PDF 107 KB

To consider an update on any DFE/ESFA funding announcements.


The Forum considered the briefing paper of the Finance Business Partner, giving an update on DFE/ESFA funding announcements.


The Forum noted that the Department for Education had approved the APT submissions and that schools had received notification of their budget shares as agreed by the Forum at the previous meeting.


The Teachers’ Pay Award Grant (TPAG) would cover the whole financial year and, as schools had already received 7 months’ worth from September 2023, it was confirmed that schools would therefore receive 12/7s. In addition, academies would receive an additional allocation because they followed a different funding cycle.


Growth Funding

To receive a further update on growth funding, re-consider appropriate allocation of funds and consider a proposal for a block transfer from the Schools Block to the Central School Services Block.


To thereafter consider the need to review the Growth Policy.


Since the previous meeting of the Forum it had come to light that there were more options available for allocating funding to alternative blocks rather than just for growth funding. The Council would advise Heads of the options and seek their views before the matter was brought back to the Forum at a later meeting for further consideration.


The Forum noted the experience of some schools within the City of an increase in the number of new pupils from overseas after funding had been allocated and was advised that the Council would consider reviewing the Growth Policy and report to the Forum at a later meeting.


High Needs Block

To receive a further update regarding the High Needs Block.


As no officer was available to provide a report to the Forum it was requested that a written update be provided.


Release of Funds from the Central School Services Block

To receive a further update on the proposed restructure and services of the Education Service and thereafter to consider proposals for release to the Education Service of the first tranche of the ring-fenced £220,000 transferred from the Schools Block to the Central School Services Block.



As the Council was still in the process of consultation about the proposed restructure no request was made to the Forum to release the first tranche of funds to the Central Schools Services Block and the Forum noted that the matter would be considered again at the next meeting.


Financing Schools

To receive an update regarding the policy and approach of the Education Service regarding school deficits and surpluses.


The Forum noted that schools had been requested to refrain from holding large surpluses of funds which could otherwise be utilised to improve the experience of pupils, unless such surpluses were held in readiness for planned larger projects.


The Forum noted that schools were strongly discouraged from having deficits unless there were unusual circumstances and a recovery plan had been agreed with the Council.


The Council was under severe financial pressure and reminders would be sent to each school as schools were moving into year end.


Any other business and Closing remarks and date of the next meeting

To consider any additional items and note the date of forthcoming meetings


Day and Date:  Wednesday 10 July 2024.


Time:  3:45pm for 4:00pm start


Venue:  Virtual and at Civic Centre.


The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 10th July 2024 at 4pm.