Agenda and minutes

Licensing Committee - Thursday, 14th July, 2011 9.30 am

Venue: Committee Rooms 1 and 2 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Sharon Pearson, Democratic Support Officer  023 8083 4597

No. Item


Election of Vice Chair

To elect a Vice-Chair for the 2011/2012 Municipal Year.



RESOLVED that Councillor Willacy be elected as Vice-Chair for the 2011/12 municipal year.


Minutes Of The Previous Meeting (Including Matters Arising) pdf icon PDF 38 KB

To approve and sign as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 15th December 2010 and to deal with any matters arising, attached.




RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 15th December 2010 be approved and signed as a correct record.  .  (Copy of minutes appended to the agenda and circulated with signed minutes).



Licensing of Sexual Entertainment Venues pdf icon PDF 63 KB

Report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services for the Licensing Committee to consider amendments to the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982, introducing a new category of sex establishment – “sexual entertainment venues” and to authorise consultation on whether to formally adopt the new statutory provisions, attached.




The Committee considered the report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services detailing amendments to the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982, introducing a new category of sex establishment – “sexual entertainment venues” and requesting authorisation to consult on whether to formally adopt the new statutory provisions.  (Copy of report appended to the agenda and circulated with the signed minutes).


The following was noted:-


(i)  that representations on moral grounds to the nature and type of premises were not legitimate grounds for objection;  and

(ii)  that although the Council had discretion to adopt the new provisions relating to sexual entertainment venues, if it determined that the SEV provisions would not be adopted, the legislation required that the Council carry out an extensive public consultation annually which would require considerable financial and staff resources.


RESOLVED that the Head of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to consult with interested parties on the adoption of the provisions and bring a further report prior to submission to full Council in September 2011.


Licensing Enforcement Policy pdf icon PDF 56 KB

Report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, for the Licensing Committee to consider and adopt the proposed licensing enforcement policy, attached.

Additional documents:



The Committee considered the report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services requesting that the proposed licensing enforcement policy be adopted.  (Copy of report appended to the agenda and circulated with the signed minutes).


RESOLVED that the Committee adopt the proposed licensing enforcement policy, attached as appendix 1, with amendments, clarifying the content of the policy, with immediate effect.


Delegation of Unopposed Sex Establishment Licence Renewal Applications pdf icon PDF 55 KB

Report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services requesting that the  Licensing Committee delegate the renewal of unopposed sex establishment licence applications to the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, attached.



The Committee considered the report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services requesting that the Committee delegate the renewal of unopposed sex establishment licence applications to the Head of Legal and Democratic Services.  (Copy of report appended to the agenda and circulated with the signed minutes).


The following was noted:-


(i)  that the recommendation was made in the interests of efficiency and cost effectiveness;  and

(ii)  any objection to the renewal of a sex establishment licence would result in the matter being reported to the Sub-Committee as at present.


Upon being put to the vote the following recommendation was carried:-


For  - Councillors Parnell, Drake, Osmond, Willacy, Mrs

  Blatchford, Fuller, Holmes, Vassiliou


Against  - Councillors Cunio and Harris


RESOLVED that the committee delegate the power to grant by way of renewal, (but not to refuse, vary or transfer) unopposed applications for sex establishment licences to the Head of Legal and Democratic Services with immediate effect.