Issue - meetings

*Acquisition of Land- Pan Handle Car Park, Eastern Dock

Meeting: 29/01/2013 - Cabinet (Item 99)

99 *Acquisition of Land- Pan Handle Car Park, Eastern Dock pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Resources seeking approval to delegate authority to Senior Manager Property Procurement and Contract Management to approve the final detailed terms of purchase, attached.

Additional documents:


DECISION MADE: (Ref: CAB 12/13 9419)


On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member forResources, Cabinet agreed the following:


(i)  To approve the purchase of the freehold interest of the Pan Handle Car Park and part of the Triangle Car Park Platform Road and to delegate authority to the Senior Manager Property, Procurement and Contract Management, to agree the final terms and conditions of purchase.

(ii)  To delegate authority to the Senior Manager Property, Procurement and Contract Management in consultation with the Director of Environment and Economic Development to do anything necessary to give effect to the recommendations in this report.

(iii)  To note the level of expenditure of the purchase and associated costs of purchase.  The total expenditure will be funded from the Regional Growth Fund (RGF) grant funding from Department of Business Innovation and Skills (BIS), which has been subject to previous approvals