Issue - meetings

Disposal of the former Eastpoint Centre for Training and Employment Uses

Meeting: 26/09/2011 - Cabinet (Item 36)

36 Disposal of the former Eastpoint Centre for Training and Employment Uses pdf icon PDF 69 KB

Report of the Leader of the Council seeking approval for the Council to enter into an option for the sale of the Eastpoint Centre for the purpose of providing Education and Training facilities, attached.


NOTE: This report is presented as a general exception item in accordance with paragraph 15 of the Access to Information Procedure Rules of Part 4 of the Council's Constitution, as it has not been included in the Council's Forward Plan.


Additional documents:


DECISION MADE: (Ref: CAB 11/12 7291)


On consideration of the report of the Leader of the Council, and having complied with paragraph 15 of the Council’s Access to Information Procedure Rules Cabinet agreed the following:


(i)  To approve the terms of disposal as set out of this report.

(ii)  To delegate the detailed terms of disposal to the Director of Economic Development after consultation with the Head of Property and Procurement and the Head of Legal and Democratic Services.