Issue - meetings

University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust - CQC Inspection

Meeting: 25/04/2019 - Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Item 26)

26 University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust - CQC Inspection pdf icon PDF 61 KB

Report of the Chair of the Panel requesting that, subject to publication, the HOSP consider the findings from the Care Quality Commission inspection of University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust.

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The Panel considered the report of the Chair of the Panel requesting that, subject to publication, the HOSP consider the findings from the Care Quality Commission inspection of University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust


Paula Head, Chief Executive (University Hospital Southampton) was in attendance and, with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.


The Panel discussed a number of points including:


·  The Trust’s performance in comparison to the inspection in 2017.  The Panel sought an explanation from the Trust as to why some areas had only scored required improvement in the inspection.  The Panel was given a brief overview of the differences between the two inspections by the Trust. The Panel were informed that the Trust had, where possible, acted immediately to address CQC concerns.  It was noted that the quality of the estate had caused concern to the CQC. It was explained that the Trust would be applying for additional regional and national funding to address this.  The Panel noted that the estate had not been altered since the last inspection and that it had robustly challenged the judgement by the CQC in some cases; 

·  It was explained that issues, such as those relating to Ophthalmology, had contributed to the CQC rating for Outpatients and being well led;

·  It was explained to the Panel how the Trust was coping with workforce challenges for doctors, nurses and specialist staff and outlined the various methods it was using to address these matters; and 

·  The Chief Executive outlined a number of areas concern that were not in the CQC assessment and how these concerns were being mitigated by the Trust. 


RESOLVED that the Panel

(i)  noted the report of the CQC and congratulated the Trust on maintaining a rating of good; and

(ii)  requested that the any action plan to address the points made by the CQC be considered by the Panel at a future date.