Issue - meetings

Weston Shore infant School - Roof Works

Meeting: 16/04/2019 - Cabinet (Item 56)

56 Weston Shore infant School - Roof Works pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Aspiration, Schools and Lifelong Learning seeking approval for a replacement roof.

NOTE: This report is submitted for consideration as a general exception under paragraph 15 of the Access to Information procedure Rules in Part 4 of the Council’s Constitution, notice having been given to the Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee and the public.

The matter requires a decision in order to complete the conversion of Weston Shore Infants School to an Academy by the agreed transfer date of 1st May 2019 in line with the agreed timescale with the Regional Schools Commissioner and the DfE and for these reasons the decision cannot be deferred for inclusion in the next Forward Plan for decision following 28 clear days’ notice.

Additional documents:


DECISION MADE: (CAB 18/19 23757)


On consideration of the report of the Director of Children and Families, Cabinet agreed the following:


Having complied with paragraph 15 of the Council’s Access to Information Procedure Rules


(i)  Approve the addition and spend of £712K in 2019/20 to the Aspiration, Schools and Lifelong Learning programme; to be funded from capital receipts to undertake the necessary replacement to the roof at the school.

(ii)  Enter into a Financial Agreement with Hamwic Education Trust for the £712k funding to be transferred to the Trust in order for the works to be completed by the Trust in accordance with an agreed schedule of works to an agreed standard; in order for the Conversion Date of May 1st 2019 to be achieved.