Issue - meetings

Townhill Park Infrastructure Fund and Future Programme

Meeting: 21/11/2018 - Council (Item 62)

62 Townhill Park Infrastructure Fund and Future Programme pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Homes and Culture detailing the Housing Infrastructure Fund Offer and commitment to future delivery of the regeneration scheme.


Report of the Cabinet Member for Homes and Culture was submitted detailing the Housing Infrastructure Fund Offer and commitment to future delivery of the regeneration scheme. 




(i)  To approve the acceptance of the £3.75m offer of grant from Homes England Housing Infrastructure Fund subject to the satisfactory agreement of conditions with Homes England in recommendation (i) to Cabinet.

(ii)  To note, subject to match funding being confirmed, approval will be sought as part of the Capital Programme update to Council in February 2019, to add (and spend) £3.75m to the Transport and Public Realm Capital Programme.  This would be phased 2018-19 £70,000, 2019-20 £2,210,000 and 2020-21 £1,470,000, to be funded from the Homes England Grant. 

Meeting: 20/11/2018 - Cabinet (Item 30)

30 Townhill Park Infrastructure Fund and Future Programme pdf icon PDF 81 KB

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Homes and Culture detailing the Housing Infrastructure Fund Offer and commitment to future delivery of the regeneration scheme.


DECISION MADE: (CAB 18/19 21646)


On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Homes and Culture Cabinet agreed the following:


i)  To delegate authority to the Director – Finance & Commercialisation following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Homes & Culture, Director of Growth, Director Legal & Governance and Lead Capital Assets to finalise and agree the conditions and monitoring framework of the Homes England Housing Infrastructure Bid.

ii)  Subject to approval by Council and subject to (i) above, to enter into a Grant Determination Agreement with Homes England for the Housing Infrastructure Fund grant of £3.75M.

iii)  To delegate authority to the Director of Growth to carry out the necessary procurement in order to deliver obligations contained within the Homes England Housing Infrastructure Fund funding agreement and bid.

iv)  To delegate authority to the Director of Growth, following consultation with the Director of Finance and Commercialisation and the Director of Legal & Governance, to take all necessary actions to implement and facilitate the delivery of the project funded by the Housing Infrastructure bid.