Will your block receive top marks for cleaning?

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A Woman Cleaning A Staircase

Will your block receive top marks for cleaning?

In our ongoing drive to keep council neighbourhoods clean and tidy we have introduced extra inspections to score communal areas - and you can see the results on your block noticeboard

Our cleaning supervisors will be carrying out a meticulous check every three months to grade the cleanliness of shared areas, including floors, doors, windows, handrails, stairwells, and lifts.

After each inspection the supervisor will provide a rating which will be displayed on posters on block noticeboards so that you can check how your local cleaning team is doing. The standard of cleaning will be awarded a pass, acceptable (and identifying small areas for improvement), or a fail with details of specific actions needed.

As well as advertising the rating of your block’s cleaning, the posters will also include a QR code for you to scan in order to complete an online cleaning survey and provide your feedback. It’s really important that you let us know what you think of the cleaning service, and if you have any concerns or queries so that we can address issues accordingly.

The new cleaning checks and posters are just one of the ways that we are working to improve the housing service and improve communication with residents, as a result of what you told us through the Tenant Satisfaction Survey.

Earlier this year we reported that we had appointed new area supervisors to manage our team of 26 cleaning staff citywide who look after the shared areas in tower and walk-up blocks including communal entrances, walkways, and stairwells.

The supervisors are in charge of quality control and, as well as carrying out regular inspections, they monitor the work of local cleaning teams to maintain high standards and swiftly address any issues or specific needs of each block.

If you would like to help us keep a regular watch on the cleaning service in your neighbourhood please volunteer as a Tenant Cleaning Monitor. This involves completing a short survey once a month about cleaning standards and letting us any specific areas that you and your neighbours think we need to improve on.

Contact our Tenant Engagement Team or call 023 8083 3185 to find out more.
