Outdoor improvements completed in Weston just in time for summer

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People Standing On New Accesible Footpath In Weston

Outdoor improvements completed in Weston just in time for summer

Two projects to improve the outdoor space around International Way and Canberra Towers in Weston have recently been completed thanks to funding from the Decent Neighbourhoods programme.

Following requests from residents to improve access around the surrounding area and provide more outdoor facilities, new footpaths have been installed to run along the back of the five tower blocks at International Way. The footpaths are designed to be accessible for all residents and will help link the tower blocks with the neighbouring area. The project also includes new seating areas to sit and enjoy the summer sunshine, as well as fitness equipment such as balance beams and monkey bars that will help keep residents of all ages active.

At Canberra Towers a new accessible footpath has been created to make it easier to walk to the local school and onto Foxcott Close and surrounding areas. The existing steps have also been rebuilt plus a new seating area at the top of the bank of land opposite the tower block provides a new spot to sit and enjoy the warm weather.

Residents say the area is already feeling much more connected and the addition of several new seating areas provides places for local people to get together and relax in the fresh air, which is especially important for residents living in flats without a garden of their own.

An artist has been commissioned to create mosaic murals in the ground for some of the new spaces at International Way along with a pebble mosaic for the new seating area at Canberra Towers.

Decent Neighbourhoods funding has been used to fund a range of local improvements in recent years, including an art mural at Copenhagen Towers and resurfacing of the car parks at International Way.
