Lunch club dishing up companionship

Tenants' Link
Rozel Court Lunch Club

Lunch club dishing up companionship

Rozel Court in Lordshill is just one of our supported housing schemes across the city that hosts a weekly lunch club open to residents and anyone over 60 living nearby.

As well as serving up a bargain-priced hot meal, the lunch club also offers diners the chance to make friends and socialise.

Regulars say the Thursday lunch is the highlight of their week, and the opportunity to get out, chat and laugh with others is especially valued by those who live alone.

"I love coming for the lunch as I normally have to cook and eat alone so it’s just so nice to sit down and share lunch with everyone and have a good chinwag" says Jean, age 68, "After the meal we often have a cuppa and play cards or board games which is lovely. Plus it only costs a few pounds so it’s an absolute bargain!"

Supported Housing Activity Coordinator Jacqueline Misselbrook is in charge of cooking and organising the two-course lunch every week. She is supported by three local volunteers who lend a hand serving the meal and washing up.

Jacqueline says the club is a much needed, popular activity:

"It’s great to see so many people smiling and tucking into the lunch every week, especially those who might struggle to buy and cook a hot meal for themselves at home. The plates are always empty, so the food is obviously appreciated."

Lunch clubs also take place each week in the community rooms at Milner Court in Shirley, Toronto Court in Millbrook, Vellan Court in Millbrook and Manston Court in Lordshill. For more information and booking details just contact our Activity Coordinators at

Many of our current lunch clubs rely on the support of local volunteers and we are always in need of more people to lend a hand with cooking, serving, and setting up. If you have any spare time and would like to volunteer, please get in touch.
