Keep us up to date so that we can help when needed

Keep us up to date so that we can help when needed
If you or someone at home has any support needs or disabilities, please let us know so that we can update our records. Knowing who needs extra support in an urgent situation is not only crucial information for the emergency services, but also means we can offer help to vulnerable tenants throughout the year as and when needed.
For example, if you are disabled, we may be able to speed up your repairs, or if the lifts are out of action in your block and you would struggle with the stairs because of mobility issues or because you have young children in pushchairs, we may be able to offer assistance. This is also the case when there is a cut to the power or water supply, in these instances we need to know who to contact to offer extra help and support to cope with the situation.
Please get in touch to let us know if you or anyone in your household has any mental or physical health issues, a disability or support needs. All information you provide to us is kept in complete confidence. Simply complete the online form to notify your Local Housing Office or speak to your local Neighbourhood Warden who will arrange for a Housing Officer to contact you.
As well as letting us know about any special circumstances or needs you may have, it is also worth contacting your utility providers to ask to join the Priority Services Register. This is a free UK-wide confidential service which provides extra advice and support, including when there’s an interruption to your electricity, gas, or water supply.