How Knit and Natter changed my life – a tenant’s story

Tenants' Link
A woman sitting on an armchair

How Knit and Natter changed my life – a tenant’s story

Knit and Natter is just one of many social activities on offer to help our supported housing tenants keep physically and mentally active in later life

And as one keen knitter has discovered, joining in can be life changing!

Participating in Knit and Natter signalled the start of a new chapter of life for Mary. Since picking up her knitting needles she has made new friends, reignited old friendships, moved to a new flat and regained her independence! Here’s her story:

“I was living in a two bedroomed first floor flat, but mobility issues meant I was finding the stairs difficult and struggled to get out. So I was referred to the 60+ floating Support Service for help in finding local activities to attend.

“A support worker visited me to find out more about me and discuss what kind of social activities I might be interested in. She suggested Knit and Natter at a nearby supported housing scheme. She helped me to attend that first session and I was so surprised to meet an old friend there I hadn’t seen in a very long time. It was so lovely to sit and catch up and I found that I really enjoyed myself.

“I started to look forward to the regular social knitting sessions, and after a couple of visits, the support worker suggested the idea that I move to a ground floor flat on the scheme where Knit and Natter takes place. At first, I was reluctant because I had lived in my home for a very long time, but after chatting with the support worker and my family I began to see it was a good idea to downsize to somewhere more suitable.

“The support worker completed a housing application and bid on properties on my behalf and then I was offered a ground floor flat on the scheme I liked. I am so happy with my lovely new flat, it’s much better suited to my needs and moving here is the best thing I could have done. Now I am able to get to Knit and Natter twice a week without any assistance, I can also walk to the local shops. I’ve regained my independence and can access support from the support workers on site when I need.

“And whilst I’m really happy in my new home, it’s wonderful to know that a lovely young couple have moved into my old flat.”

Knit and Natter is just one of a wide range of social activities for supported housing tenants across the city just get in touch for details of what’s on offer near you. Or, if you are interested in downsizing to a more suitable home like Mary, please contact us to find out more.
