Council tenants turn filmstars

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A Crowd Looking At A Woman Standing In Front Of A Screen That Says: The Adventures of The Holyrood Heroes. Image credit: copyright Dev Place

Council tenants turn filmstars

The Holyrood community was treated to a red carpet film premier earlier this summer when a new film made by and starring local residents received a special screening on the estate

‘The Adventures of the Holyrood Heroes’ film is a celebration of the local neighbourhood and the people who live there. It was facilitated by local artist Sarah Filmer with the help of many local young people who got involved both in front of and behind the camera.

The film premier was part of a special week of free, community activities including dance and creative workshops for all ages organised by ZoieLogic Dance Theatre. The fun took place at The Hub, a popup creative space in the centre of Holyrood estate that was open to everyone to discover and take part.

ZoieLogic Dance Theatre has been working in the estate since 2019 to establish free, accessible, regular activities as part of an ongoing programme called We Are Holyrood. The project, designed to celebrate and bring the local community together, has included dance workshops, performances, resident drop-in sessions, a Love Where You Live event, and the creation of the film The Adventures of the Holyrood Heroes.

It’s been a positive experience for the whole neighbourhood, as local resident Robert explains after taking part in one of the dance workshops:

“It’s the first time my joints have felt alive in 10 years! The work ZoieLogic is doing here means so much to me because it helps our community”.

For others, the chance to join in community activities has enabled new friendships to be made, as one resident commented:

“It’s brought happiness to a dull place. My daughter suffers from social anxiety and didn’t have any friends in the community when she moved here. The activity she took part in with ZoieLogic was a great icebreaker and she started to bond with others.”

The Hub has been made possible with funding from Arts Council England, Paul Hamlyn Foundation, Blagrave Foundation, and support from local businesses.
