A clean start for Thornhill block rep!

Tenants' Link
A woman leaning on a recycling bin

A clean start for Thornhill block rep!

One of our block reps in Thornhill has helped to clean up a rather mucky problem with the bin area at Burgoyne Road

Ronnie, who has volunteered as a block rep for many years, worked with council staff to transform the outdoor area, in response to concerns raised by her neighbours.

“The bin area was in an awful mess, it was an eyesore and the ground was so uneven and slippery it was perilous to put the rubbish out” says Ronnie. “The wheelie bins sat on grass which got wet and muddy, and people living nearby complained of the smell. The whole situation was affecting the quality of life for nearby residents. As a block rep I wanted to take action and work with the council to resolve the situation.

“Initially I organised some slabs to be laid to provide a better surface for the bins to sit on. Then I spoke to the Decent Neighbourhoods programme to request funding for the whole bin area to be resurfaced with new tarmac.

“Now the work is completed, it has made such a difference. The bins sit neatly and so the whole area looks better and feels safer, and the smell has gone. It is a good result for our local community and I am proud to have helped to fix the problem.”

As well as raising concerns about the bin area and working to get this problem resolved, Ronnie also takes pride in the local area by helping to keep the neighbourhood clean, tidy and looking smart by picking up litter and gardening.

This is just one example of how block or street reps work to resolve local issues and provide a vital link between the local community and the council. Look out on noticeboards for a photo and contact details of your local block or street rep who you can talk to if you have any issues, problems or ideas you want to raise.

We are always looking for more residents to volunteer for these roles, so if you take pride in your local area like Ronnie and if her story has inspired you to represent your neighbours and work with us to resolve local issues, please get in touch.

As a block rep you will also play an important role in keeping residents informed of all the latest housing news and liaise closely with housing staff and Neighbourhood Wardens. It’s a really rewarding way to give something back to your local community and work with us ensure your area is better maintained and a nicer place to live.

It is a voluntary role, but we are happy to cover any out-of-pocket expenses.
