Special decorating scheme

Scheme on hold

Due to priority work in other areas of the Council Special Decorations is on hold until further notice. We will keep any received applicants first in line until we start up again.

With the special decorating scheme two rooms can be decorated once every seven years, free of charge.

When the budget has been spent for the current year, properties are added to the waiting list for the next year's budget.

Qualifying for the decorating scheme

To qualify for this scheme every tenant at the property must meet the following criteria:

  1. Every tenant living at the property must be be 75 years old or over, or be in receipt of one of the following disability benefits:
    • Attendance Allowance/Constant Attendance Allowance
    • Personal Independence Payment
    • Employment & Support Allowance: Main Phase: (Support Group or Work Related Activity Group)
    • Housing Benefit (with Disability Premium or Higher Pensioner Premium)
    • Income Support (with Disability Premium or Higher Pensioner Premium)
    • Industrial Injuries Benefits
    • War Disablement Pension
  2. The tenants must have lived at the property for a minimum of seven years

  3. It must be at least seven years since the tenant last had decorating carried out under this scheme at this property

  4. There must be no arrears for rent or rechargeable repairs

  5. There must not be an active 'Right to Buy' application

Apply for the special decorating scheme

To apply for the special decorating scheme, please complete the following form:


Before you fill in this form

You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself up to five minutes to fill it in.

Apply for the special decorating scheme

Contact us

If you have already applied for the decorating scheme and want to enquire about your request, please contact us.