Fire safety general FAQs

This page contains frequently asked questions about fire safety in Southampton.

Questions about cladding and insulation on our buildings

How do we know that our home doesn’t have the same kind of cladding as was used at Grenfell Towers? SHOW

What is external wall insulation (EWI)? SHOW

What is the situation with regard to Southampton City Council's review of council tower blocks and has Southampton City Council submitted samples from its council tower blocks for testing? SHOW

How many buildings are scheduled for EWI installation? SHOW

Questions about fire safety, evacuation procedures and inspections

I have not received any information about fire safety from the council since the Grenfell Towers fire and am concerned. Have I missed something? SHOW

Has the council reviewed its fire evacuation procedures, and building fire risk assessments (FRAs) in the wake of the Grenfell Towers tragedy? SHOW

How often are council housing properties inspected for their fire safety? SHOW

My lifts don’t work and I am elderly/disabled. How do I evacuate in case of fire if I cannot go down stairs? SHOW

Why don’t we have any fire evacuation signs or smoke alarms in the communal area? What fire safety measures are already installed in housing properties? SHOW

Why do some tower blocks only have one evacuation staircase? SHOW

Why don’t we hear the fire alarms in our property? SHOW

Other fire safety concerns

Should I be concerned about leaky or draughty windows in our building compromising its ability to contain a fire? SHOW

My tower block has gas cookers. Should I be concerned about them as a fire hazard? SHOW

What can I do about fire safety in my building? SHOW

General fire safety advice

What type of fire evacuation do I have? SHOW

If a fire starts inside your home or flat SHOW

Smoke SHOW

Do not use lifts in case of a fire SHOW

Oil and chip pan fires SHOW