Tower block rules

Things you shouldn’t do

  • Leave rubbish or bags in communal areas or throw rubbish out of windows
  • Smoke in stairwells or communal areas, or use candles in your flat
  • Store flammable or combustible material in your shed, flat or balcony
  • Leave cooking or tumble dryers unattended
  • Damage your front door or allow anyone to drill through the door or frame
  • Charge equipment overnight or overload extension leads
  • Recycle second hand items left in rubbish areas or communal areas
  • Park motorbikes or petrol fuelled vehicles close to the block, or charge mobility scooters or electric wheelchairs overnight
  • Block fire doors or fire exits, or prop doors open
  • Use chip pans
  • Use pest bombs

Things you should do

  • Keep your balcony clear of rubbish
  • Understand the Stay Put Policy and info on the back of your front door
  • Report fire door faults
  • Regularly check your smoke detectors are working
  • De-fluff your tumble dryer regularly and open a window when its on
  • Update your Local Housing Office with changes to your household’s disability status
  • Recycle where you can, including large carboard boxes
  • Close your kitchen and bedroom doors at night
  • Put out cigarettes and dispose of butts properly

What to do in event of a fire

If you discover a fire in your flat

  1. If the fire is your own or an immediate neighbours flat, leave the building immediately via the stairwell and/or emergency exits
  2. As you leave, shut your front door and call Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service on ‘999’ and provide your address and postcode
  3. Wait for the fire service to arrive. Do not re-enter the building

If you are safely within your flat and there is a fire in another flat

  1. Stay in your flat – close your windows and doors
  2. Call Hampshire Fire and Rescue on ‘999’ and provide your address and postcode
  3. Stay in your flat – if necessary, the emergency services will tell you what you need to do
  4. If asked to evacuate by emergency services, leave the building immediately via the stairwell and emergency exits and close your front door

If you are in a communal area and become aware of a fire

  • Leave the building immediately via the stairwell and/or emergency exits and call Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service on ‘999’ or ‘112’

When leaving the building

  • Do not use lifts
  • Do not re-enter the building until instructed to do so

View fire safety information for high-rise buildings