Amend an existing Housing Register application
If your circumstances have changed in any way since you first applied you must tell us so that your application can be updated and re-assessed.
You should tell us about:
- Additional household member that needs to be included on the application (a new baby or a new partner living at the same address)
- Changes in household - the death of a member of the household, divorce / relationship breakdown, member of the household who has now moved away / left the family home
- Change of address
- Any other changes in your circumstances which may affect your housing application
- Changes in medical conditions which are affected by your current housing
Failure to inform the council of a change in circumstances within four weeks may result in your application being cancelled.
You will need to download and complete a change in circumstances form and provide proof of the change (a full birth certificate for a new child or tenancy agreement / utility bill / bank statements for a new address).
Once the change of circumstances and proof is received, we will assess it and send you the outcome of the assessment.
Before you fill in this form
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself at least 15 minutes to fill in the form.
You will need:
Homebid number
If any of the persons mentioned in this form that were not previously included on your original application, you will need to provide verified eligibility proofs for them or proof of change. This is a full birth certificate for a new child or tenancy agreement, utility bill, bank statements for a new address.
Updating contact details
If you need to tell us about a change in either your email address or phone number, you can complete our online form.
Before you fill in this form
You will not be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself at least five minutes to fill in the form.
You will need:
Your Homebid number