Spring safety

A girl standing on a path surrounded by, and carrying, flowers

Some viral infections, such as COVID-19, can pose a risk at all times of year, particularly if you are aged 75 or older, or if you have a long-term health condition.

It is important to ensure you know how to access the right support so you can stay healthy and well.

How can I reduce my risk of getting an infection or becoming very unwell?

There are simple things you can do in your daily life that will help reduce the spread of illness and protect those at highest risk.

Get vaccinated against COVID-19 if you are eligible. This spring you can book your COVID-19 vaccination if:

  • Your NHS record suggests you may have a weakened immune system due to a health condition or medical treatment
  • You are aged 75 or over (by 30 June 2024)

You will be invited for your booster, your GP may offer you the vaccine, or you can book using the NHS app, calling 119, or finding your nearest walk-in vaccination site from the NHS website.

Other ways

  • Let fresh air in if meeting others indoors
  • Practice good hygiene. Wash your hands with warm, soapy water, cover your coughs and sneezes, and clean your surroundings frequently
  • Consider wearing a face covering or a face mask

Find out about living safely with respiratory infections.

Where to get advice if you feel unwell

If you are 65 or over, or in one of the other at-risk groups, it is important to get medical help as soon as you feel unwell.

You can get help and advice from:

  • A pharmacy - Pharmacists can give treatment advice for a range of minor illnesses and can tell you if you need to see a doctor
  • Your GP - You may be able to speak to a GP online or over the phone, or go in for an appointment if they think you need to
  • NHS 111 - Go to 111.nhs.uk or call 111 if you have an urgent medical problem and you are not sure what to do

The sooner you get advice, the sooner you are likely to get better.

In an emergency, go to A&E immediately or call 999.


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