Southampton Jobs Fair

Grow People

Southampton Jobs and Wellbeing Fair

Wednesday 12 June 2024, 12pm-3pm

St Mary's Leisure Centre, 118A St Mary's Road, Southampton, SO14 0BL

The Employment Support Team run Jobs Fairs throughout the year to provide a meaningful forum for positive engagement to happen between jobseekers and employers in Southampton.

The Southampton Jobs and Wellbeing Fair will host a range of employers, as well as training providers and wellbeing support, to help jobseekers take the next steps in their career.

Whether you’re looking for a new job, your first job or thinking about changing career completely, this event can put you in front of the employers and organisations that can help you on your journey.

  • Meet local employers with live vacancies
  • Talk to employers face to face about opportunities across a range of industries
  • Get advice around health and wellbeing
  • Find support to help you get your next job

The event is free to attend and open to anybody who is looking for work. 

Click here to book a place at the event.

Exhibitor List

Confirmed Employers, Training Providers and Wellbeing Organisations SHOW

Our Jobs Fairs are free for employers to exhibit at and will give you the opportunity to tap into a diverse pool of motivated individuals who are looking for work.

If you are a Southampton employer and would like to exhibit for free at our next Jobs Fair, get in touch at

For information about some of our previous Jobs Fairs, please visit our Previous Events Page.



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