Give your opinion on green spaces in the city and how to improve them

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Give your opinion on green spaces in the city and how to improve them

Southampton City Council with assistance from the University of Southampton’s GeoData department have launched a consultation on Southampton’s Green Grid.

The Green Grid will be the city’s network of green and blue infrastructure, making Southampton more resilient to climate change, reconnecting the city for wildlife and people.

The consultation is looking for thoughts from businesses, residents and visitors on the green spaces around them. The information collected will be used to improve and connect our green spaces to help create a healthier place to live and work for people and wildlife. The outcome of the consultation will help identify where green space is lacking, establish what businesses and residents want in their green spaces and highlight where important “green” connections are missing.

The consultation is designed for people to simply drop a pin on an interactive map, adding in feelings and comments on specific areas as well as being able to add further comments or agreements on other people's pins. Each pin dropped can take as little as two minutes and is a fun way to express your views.

The consultation also provides the optional opportunity for respondents to dive deeper into areas such as Biodiversity, Health and Wellbeing, and Recreation.

The consultation is open until 18 March. You can complete it here.
