Protected trees
There are different ways a tree can be protected:
Conservation area
A conservation area is an area of special historical or architectural interest that we intend to preserve or enhance. Within a conservation area, we have extra controls over several factors including the protection of trees.
There are 20 conservation areas in Southampton, all of varying sizes. Only trees with a trunk diameter greater than 75 millimetres at 1.5 metres above ground level are protected.
Tree preservation order
A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) protects individual trees, groups of trees and woodlands. It prevents trees from being lopped, topped, pruned, uprooted, or damaged in any way without prior permission from the local authority. There are over 700 TPOs in Southampton.
Some properties have trees protected by a conservation area and a TPO. For example, trees in a front garden may be protected by a conservation area and trees in the back garden may be protected by a TPO.
Deed of covenant
If the property is an ex-council property, trees may be protected by a deed of covenant.
Development landscaping conditions
If the property is new or there has been development in the last five years, development landscaping conditions may apply.