Student discount or exemption

If you are a student in halls of residence you are exempt from paying Council Tax and do not need to notify us that you are a student.

If you are a student in private accommodation you must register for Council Tax and then apply for the student discount or exemption using the form below.

Applying for student discount or exemption

Once you have registered for Council Tax, you can check if you are eligible and apply for a student discount or exemption.

If a student or students are living in a property the following applies:

  • Households where every adult is a full-time student don’t have to pay Council Tax
  • If a non-student lives with you, they must pay Council Tax
  • A 25% discount will be awarded where there is only one adult who is not a student

Are you eligible for student discount or exemption?

A student (including those who are from overseas) must be:

  • Undertaking a university or college full-time course which lasts for at least one academic or calendar year, takes at least 24 weeks a year and involves at least 21 hours of study per week during term-time
  • If you are under 20 years old you must be undertaking a course which lasts more than three months and at least 12 hours of study per week (For example, A level, ONC and OND Standard)

Unavailable due to essential website maintenance 

The majority of our online forms are unavailable from 5.10pm on Wednesday 26 March to 8.30am on Thursday 27 March due to essential maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Apply for student discount - UNDER REPAIR

Student status evidence

We will require evidence of your student status. Solent University and Southampton University currently provide the Council with a list of their students. (You will be included on these lists providing you agreed for the Universities to share your data at the time you enrolled).

These students will not need to provide a copy of their student certificate but students from other establishments (or not on these lists) will need to provide a copy of their student certificate.

What is a student certificate?

A document from your education provider that confirms you are enrolled with them and provides details of your course. You can obtain a copy from your academic registrar or student records department.