Court Leet

Court Leet provides a valuable opportunity for any citizen or group of citizens in Southampton, to make representations (called presentments). The presentments are about matters of local concern, which might not normally come to the attention of the City Council.

Court Leet does not look into criminal matters.

This annual event takes place on the first Tuesday after Michaelmas which this year will be Tuesday 30 September 2025.

How to submit a presentment

The Presentment must be submitted in writing along with the presenter’s names and addresses to the Designated Officer, through the Democratic Services office [email protected] by 5pm on Monday 29 September 2025.

If you wish to make a presentment and would like advice or assistance on the preparation of presentments please email Democratic Services: [email protected]

The Panel 

The Court is made up of a panel, including Honorary Aldermen, past Mayors, past Sheriffs and others considered by the Sheriff to be suitable and appropriate persons to serve on the Jury, the Steward of the Manor of Court Leet (Service Director, Legal and Governance) and the Foreman/Madam Foreman of the Jury (the Sheriff).

Before Court Leet is held a ceremony called ‘Beating the Bounds’ takes place.

For further information, please feel free to email Democratic Services at [email protected] 

Document Type Size
Court Leet Procedurepdf93.1 KB
Beating the Bounds and History of Court Leetdoc45.5 KB