Last updated: 24-05-2024. From web page: Council Constitution.

Council Constitution 22 Part 9 - Definitions


Access to Information Rules

those Rules setting out the terms on which members of the public may attend Council meetings and obtain copies of documents as detailed in Part 4 of this Constitution


the geographical area which is the administrative responsibility of the Authority


The local authority known as Southampton City Council


the Leader and Cabinet Members together

Cabinet Member

a Councillor who is appointed by the Leader to be a member of the Cabinet, this includes Deputy Cabinet Members


Any individual appointed to chair a Committee

Chief Executive

the Chief Executive for the time being of the Authority

Chief Financial Officer

the Officer appointed by the Authority to be Chief Finance Officer and have responsibility for those duties designated under Section 151 of the 1972 Act, Section 73 of the 1985 Act and Section 112 of the 1988 Act


Any committee, sub-committee, board, sub-board or commission of the Council


the collective terms for all of the elected Members of the Authority

Councillor / Member

an elected Member of the Authority

External Auditor’s Management Letter

Annual Letter issued by the external Auditor


a collective term embodying the Cabinet and Leader when they operate as a collective decision-maker (The Cabinet) or individually (Cabinet Member).

Executive Decisions

decisions of the Executive in accordance with the Executive Procedure Rules

Executive Directors

such directors as are for the time being appointed

Extraordinary Meeting

a Council Meeting called in accordance with the Council Procedure Rules

Head of Paid Service

the Officer appointed by the Authority to undertake all duties designated under Section 4 of the 1989 Act. The Chief Executive is the Head of Paid Service


the Councillor elected by the Council to be the Executive Leader of the Authority

LMS Scheme

the Local Management of Schools Scheme

Lord Mayor

the Councillor elected by the Council to chair meetings of the Council

Monitoring Officer

the Officer appointed by the Authority to undertake all duties designated under Section 5 of the 1989 Act. The Director of Legal & Governance is the Monitoring Officer


an employee of the Authority


the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman

Proper Officer

the Officer with statutory responsibilities as set out in Part 8 of this Constitution

Secretary of State

the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

Statutory Officers

the Head of Paid Service, the Monitoring Officer and the Chief Financial Officer

The 1972 Act

the Local Government Act 1972

The 1985 Act

the Local Government Act 1985

The 1988 Act

the Local Government Act 1988

The 1989 Act

the Local Government Act 1989

The 2000 Act

the Local Government Act 2000

The 2011 Act

the Localism Act 2011