What is a 'local offer'?

Services and support provided to you as a care leaver by Southampton City Council and other agencies.

Statutory Responsibilities

The responsibilities that all Local Authorities have towards care leavers are set out in the Statutory Guidance and Regulations called ‘Planning Transitions to Adulthood for Care Leavers’.

These responsibilities include:

  • Keeping in touch with you
  • Keeping your Pathway Plan under regular review
  • Providing you with a Personal Advisor to offer advice and support
  • Providing financial assistance to help with employment, training or education where needed
  • Pay a higher education bursary if you are at university

When you turn 21 years old, the support will change depending on your circumstances. Care leavers under the age of 25 years old, who tell their Local Authority that they have returned, or want to return, to education or training are entitled to an assessment of their educational needs.

What is the ‘extended offer’? SHOW

What is a Pathway Plan? SHOW

Services and support SHOW

What is a Personal Advisor? SHOW

What if I want support or a Pathway Plan after I turn 21? SHOW

What’s in the local offer?

Housing – Basics SHOW

Housing – Support SHOW

Your accommodation and housing needs SHOW

Now read about education, employment and training.