Safeguarding for childminders

Subsidised Training Fee - £20

Southampton City Council are pleased to be offering training to Childminders. This training will outline the role and responsibilities of safeguarding in a childminder’s capacity.

We will cover:

  • Legal and procedural safeguarding updates
  • Best practice when dealing with a disclosure
  • Record keeping and sharing information
  • Local updates
  • Understanding child exploitation and harmful practices
  • Internet safety

And more...with opportunities for discussion with Southampton City Council professionals and other childminders

You will also have an opportunity to peer discuss your safeguarding Self Evaluation and complete with Southampton City Council Early Years Providing staff available to support.

Training dates

Saturday 6 July 2024
9.30am to 4pm
Start Point Sholing, Wood Close, Southampton, SO19 0GS

Please ensure you have booked to secure a place on the course.

Refreshments of hot drinks are planned but please bring your own lunch.

Please note that delegates will be charged for non-attendance, so please ensure that if you book a place and are unable to attend the training, that you notify Training Support as soon as possible to avoid being charged, thank you.


Before you fill in this form

You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself ten minutes to fill it in.

  • Payment card details (unless free course or using invoice)

Book a course

If you would like to be notified of any updates on courses please sign up here to receive these updates.