Southampton Emotional Literacy Conference

Conference theme

Side-by-Side: Trav-EL-ing Together

Keynote Speaker: Andrew Moffat MBE Personal Development Lead, Excelsior Multi-Academy Trust

Andrew developed the No Outsiders approach to diversity and inclusion at his school in Birmingham, which has achieved national acclaim. In 2019, he was a finalist for the Global Teacher Prize.

Further details on workshops to follow.

Delegates will be able to access two workshops during the day.

Who should attend?

  • Teachers
  • School and early years special educational needs co-ordinators
  • Senior management teachers
  • Emotional literacy support assistants
  • Teaching assistants
  • Social workers
  • Foster carers
  • Educational/Clinical psychologists

Conference costs

Price for this course: £125 per delegate.

If a setting books three places at the Conference, the fourth place is free of charge. Southampton schools can use half a day of purchased SLA time for two conference tickets.

Conference date and venue


Tuesday 16 January 2024, 9am to 3.30pm.


Highpoint Venue, Bursledon Road, Southampton, SO19 8BR.

Lunch and refreshments are included.


Before you fill in this form

You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself ten minutes to fill it in.

  • A payment card, Apple Pay or Google Pay* (unless free course or using invoice)

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