Training Support
Training opportunities for people working with children, young people and families in education, care settings and foster care.
Get in touch
Email: Training.Support@southampton.gov.uk
Southampton City Council is committed to providing the highest quality of services for children, young people and families. Therefore, it is essential that the workforce has access to high quality learning and development activities.
Working Together to Safeguard Children states that all workers need to be competent and confident in carrying out their responsibilities for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people.
Charging information
- Invoice: We can invoice organisations and businesses. We will invoice you once the course has been completed. If you do not attend and have not informed us in writing, you may still be invoiced for the place
- Maintained schools: Payment will be claimed through internal journal transfer following management approval.
- Southampton City Council employees: SCC employees should in the first instance check if Learning and Development (L&D), are offering the training that they need. If the course you require is not offered by L&D, Southampton City Council staff may book onto certain course. Please note a journal transfer from your team may be required.