Practical tools and ideas - children with additional needs
This section includes a range of tools and strategies to help gain the child/young person’s voice. This is not exhaustive and in the ‘Additional Information’ section you will find links to more resources.
When seeking the views of a child with additional needs consider using the experts. Talk to parents/carers, school staff and other professionals about what works well for the child/young person. This information can be used to feed into the wider picture of a child/young person’s life.
Familiar adults can be particularly useful for gathering information about children and young people with complex needs to enable better communication. Don’t forget, ask the child how they might prefer to communicate.
Things to consider:
- How do children/young people respond to different experiences
- How the environment can impact their responses?
- What do they enjoy?
- Is there an impact on their stress or alertness levels, such as time of day, and in which situations?