Neglect toolkit - children with additional needs

The SSCP neglect toolkit for children with additional needs builds on from the neglect toolkit by offering a range of resources and strategies to support anyone working with families with children who have additional needs.

A child's additional needs should not be a barrier to capturing their voice. Children and infants can display their emotions and well-being through their demeanour or behaviour. 

This toolkit has been produced by the Southampton Safeguarding Partnership Team in collaboration with our multi-agency partners.

Who is this toolkit for?

This toolkit is aimed at adults who work with children with additional needs, parents and caregivers and whole families in Southampton.

It aims to provide a range of resources and strategies to promote good practice around the early identification of signs of neglect.

Early identification can make a real different to families' lives and help to safeguard children by providing support as soon as we start to recognise some of the indicators of neglect. This can be more challenging when supporting children with additional needs as signs of neglect may be different, or we may find gaining the child's views more complex. 

This toolkit provides guidance and a range of useful resources.

Identification of neglect

Signs of neglect are observable, measurable, developmental or behavioural concerns that suggest the child is experiencing actual neglect. 

An example of this for a child with additional needs might be withheld medication, missed medical appointments, or no access to resources that support their daily life such as a wheelchair or hearing aid.

There are many signs of neglect. The Southampton Pathways document lists some of the potential signs of neglect. You will find within this toolkit signs of neglect that are more specific to children with additional needs in the resources pages.