Knowledge Tests

Information on Knowledge Tests

Private Hire Knowledge Test

Each applicant is given up to 6 attempts to pass the test per application. If you fail 6 tests or if more than 6 months elapse from the date of your application, you will be invited to withdraw your application. You should then wait at least 6 months before making a new application.

You must give 48 hours' notice if you wish to change or cancel a knowledge test appointment, or you will be required to pay the £50.00 again when rebooking. A 2 week break between each test is required to allow further revision. 

The knowledge test for those applying for a private hire driver’s licence has 54 questions. The test is conducted on a laptop. All questions are multiple choice with 4 possible answers. Only one is the correct answer. You will be required to pass the following

  1. The Highway Code - you should study the Highway Code, road safety and vehicle rules on the GOV.UK website and Law - Local Government Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1976 & Town & Police Clauses Act 1847 as the test will contain questions on current driving regulations.
  2. Private hire licence policy & conditions - you should read the taxi policy along with Drivers Code of Good Conduct
  3. Topography Questions - The topography questions are on major locations and points of interest, within and around Southampton including hospitals, train stations etc and major roads leading out of Southampton to other cities or major locations e.g. airports, and major places of interest.

You must score at least 32 out of the 40 questions asked on the highway code and law questions, plus 4 out of 4 on the compulsory questions, plus 8 out of the 10 questions asked on the topography questions. To pass you must achieve the pass mark in all three sections during the same test.

On each test, the questions are picked randomly from a bank of questions, so each test may have a number of different questions. You are allocated 45 minutes to complete the test. Should you be unsure of the answer to any question, you can return to any missed questions or change the answers until the time limit of 45 minutes expires.

Hackney Carriage Knowledge Test

Each applicant is given up to 6 attempts to pass the test per application. If you fail 6 tests or if more than 6 months elapse from the date of your application, you will be invited to withdraw your application. You should then wait at least 6 months before making a new application.

You must give 48 hours' notice if you wish to change or cancel a knowledge test appointment, or you will be required to pay the £50.00 again when rebooking. A 2 week break between each test is required to allow further revision.

The knowledge test for those applying for a hackney carriage driver’s licence has 100 questions. The test is conducted on a laptop. All questions are multiple choice with 4 possible answers. Only one is the correct answer. You will be required to pass the following

You must score at least 32 out of the 40 questions asked on the highway code, law and Hackney Carriage driver policy questions, plus 16 out of 20 on roads questions, plus 32 out of the 40 questions asked on the premises questions. To pass you must achieve the pass mark in all three sections during the same test.

On each test, the questions are picked randomly from a bank of questions, so each test may have a number of different questions. You are allocated 45 minutes to complete the test. Should you be unsure of the answer to any question, you can return to any missed questions or change the answers until the time limit of 45 minutes expires.