Booking a birth appointment

Please note

All babies must be registered within 42 days (six weeks) from the date of birth.

Those parents that have received a letter from us, for babies born more than five weeks ago, are being reminded to book an appointment online. If you haven’t registered your baby after six weeks, unfortunately we have to issue you with a formal requisition to do so and refer the non-registration to General Register Office.

If you live in the Channel Islands and have had to come to Southampton to have your baby, you will need to register the birth before you leave the mainland.

Before booking an appointment with Southampton Register Office, check who to register a birth with.

Booking an appointment at Southampton Register Office

Birth appointments are face to face in the offices at Southampton Register Office, 6a Bugle Street, Southampton, SO14 2AJ

Please read all of the below before booking your birth appointment

Who attends the birth appointment? SHOW

What documents will you need to take to the registration? SHOW

What the registrar will need to know SHOW

How long is the appointment? SHOW

What if I am late to the appointment? SHOW

What does it cost to register a birth? SHOW

What if one or both attending parents require support with English? SHOW

What if you live in the Channel Islands? SHOW

Re-registrations SHOW


Before you book an appointment

You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself at least five minutes to fill in the form.

Book an appointment to register a birth

View terms and conditions for birth appointments.

Customer survey

After attending your appointment, please fill in our customer survey. We are always interested in your feedback and ideas and appreciate your comments.