Recycling banks

The map below shows recycling banks within Southampton City. You can use the key to choose the type of recycling bank you are looking for.

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Recycling mixed glass bottles and jars

Mixed glass bottles and jars are collected via kerbside glass recycling collections or can be deposited in one of the many glass bottle recycling banks in Southampton.

If you find a bottle bank that is full, please let us know via the form below so we can arrange for it to be emptied. Please do not leave your bottles and jars on the ground next to the banks as this will be classed as fly-tipping. If the banks are full, please take your items to another site.


Before you fill in this form

You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.

Request to empty a bottle bank

Recycling textiles and shoes

The textile banks in the city are provided on behalf of the following charity: The Salvation Army and Salvation Army Trading Company.

Unwanted clothes, shoes and household textiles can be recycled at textile recycling banks across the city. Please place your items into a plastic bag and tie pairs of shoes together if possible.

All textile recycling banks across the city are privately operated and are not the responsibility of the council. They are emptied once or twice a week.

However, if you notice a textile recycling bank is full and needs emptying then please call the telephone number on the bank to request it be emptied. Please do not leave items on the ground surrounding the banks as this will be classed as fly tipping. If the banks are full, please take your items to another site.