Benefits advice - Retirement
Changes to the state pension age mean women can claim working age benefits such as Universal Credit, New Style Jobseeker's Allowance and New Style Employment and Support Allowance until they reach state pension age.
Find out what age you are able to claim your state pension
Those who have reached retirement age may be entitled to the following:
New State Retirement Pension
You will be able to claim the new State Pension if you are a:
- Man born on or after 6 April 1951
- Woman born on or after 6 April 1953
The earliest you can get the new State Pension is when you reach State Pension age.
If you reached State Pension age before 6 April 2016, these rules do not apply. Instead, you will get the basic State Pension.
Pension Credit
Pension Credit is intended to provide older people with a minimum level of income and give extra money to people with modest incomes who have made savings for their retirement.
Find out more about Pension Credit
Winter Fuel Payments
Winter Fuel Payments are payable to households where there is someone over State Retirement age who is in receipt of a qualifying benefit.
Find out more about Winter Fuel Payments.
Attendance Allowance
You can be paid AA if you need help with personal care or supervision because you are ill or disabled.
Find out more about Attendance Allowance