Southampton Archaeology Unit
Archaeology Unit: archaeological services for developers
Southampton City Council's Archaeology Unit conducts archaeological work in the city and the surrounding areas on sites of all periods and types.
Services offered by the Archaeology Unit
We have extensive knowledge of the area and have been working with developers since 1992.
You may need a desk-top study, a field survey, or an evaluation prior to submitting an application, or a watching brief, excavation or building survey as a condition of your planning permission.
We can carry them out quickly and efficiently. If you want to make the most of the archaeology of your site we have experience in display work and site presentation.
- Archaeological consultancy and advice
- Preliminary site assessments
- Site evaluations
- Watching briefs on construction sites
- Small-scale and large rescue excavations
- Landscape and archaeological surveys
- Academic and popular publications of research
- Building recording
- Photogrammetric survey
- Post-excavation analysis and report writing
Case study: St Mary Street

Archaeological excavations on St Mary Street, Southampton. A complex, urban excavation, part of the redevelopment of Southampton.
A developer sought permission to build a four-storey building to provide 13 flats and a retail unit on St Mary Street, Southampton.
Case study: Isle of Wight

Archaeological strip, map and sample excavation at a quarry on the Isle of Wight.
Southampton Archaeology is ideally placed to carry out archaeological work on the Isle of Wight, as it’s a short trip from our Southampton office.
Case study: Pitt Manor

Archaeological excavations at Pitt Manor, Winchester. A large-scale rural site, enabling the development and expansion of Winchester.
A pre-commencement requirement for an evaluation was requested by Winchester City Council Planning Department on a large area of agricultural land near Pitt, Winchester, in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework.
Case study: Wickham

Archaeological evaluation in Wickham. Assisting with a homeowner’s extension.
A homeowner applied to build a two-story extension and a garage. As the site was in an area known for its prehistoric and Roman archaeology an archaeological condition for an evaluation was a planning requirement.
Case study: Upper Shirley High School

An archaeological watching brief at Upper Shirley High School, Southampton. Aiding the continued expansion of Southampton’s education sector.
Planning permission was sought for the redevelopment of existing external sports courts with erection of a sports hall building with ancillary facilities at Upper Shirley High School, Bellemoor Road, Southampton.
Read more about the watching brief at Upper Shirley High School
Case study: Testwood Mill

Heritage statement and building recording for a mill in the New Forest. Aiding in the protection and renovation of a listed building.
Southampton Archaeology were commissioned to record and analyse Testwood Mill, a Grade II listed building in the New Forest district ahead of renovation works.
Resources available online
Unpublished Fieldwork Reports at ADS
Contact information
Tel: 023 8083 2022
Emma Anderson MCIfA
Archaeology Unit Manager
Unit 18 Melbourne Street
SO14 5FB