If you need care which is chargeable, then a financial assessment will be completed. This process is governed by the Care Act 2014, and calculates how much you can afford to pay towards the cost of your care. This is your “maximum assessed contribution”.
If you choose not to complete a financial assessment you will be charged the full cost of your care.
You can submit a financial assessment enquiry using the form on our contact page.
Key points to note about the financial assessment
- If you have savings and capital above £23,250 you will need to pay the full cost of your care
- If you have savings and capital under £23,250 you will need to pay an amount up to your maximum assessed contribution, towards the cost of your care
- If you receive care at home, the value of your main residence is not counted as an asset, if you live there. But the value of any other properties that you own, jointly own, or have a beneficial interest in, will be taken in account
- If you go into a care home permanently, the value of any properties that you own may be counted as an asset. If this applies to your main residence, we give you a 12-week period to decide what action to take, before we start counting it as an asset for charging purposes
- Once you’ve had a financial assessment, if your financial circumstances change, you need to let us know
Details about the financial assessment process can be found in our Factsheet: How Financial Assessments Work.