Southampton Day Services

Southampton is a city where:

  • People with Learning Disabilities feel valued
  • Able to reach their goals and ambitions through access to positive opportunities
  • Their voice and the voice of their carers is heard
  • They are not disadvantaged by inequalities associated with their learning disability or where they live

We are the Southampton City Council's in-house day service. We support those adult members of society who have a level of learning difficulty, physical disability or mental health issues.

Our program intends to provide a safe environment within the community where new skills may be learned, hobbies encouraged, and social opportunities promoted.

The Service operates on both sides of the city: Sembal House (Polygon) & Woolston Community Centre. Each centre has its own program specifically designed to provide the life skills required to maximize independence for our service users.

We strive to enable our service users to lead full and inclusive lives. We support our community to achieve goals set out by the individual themselves. We work in a person centred way that helps them feel empowered and confident within today's society, achieving the best results.

For more information, please see our Southampton Day Services leaflet.

Recent events

SDS Newsletters

Document Type Size
Issue 22 May 2024pdf6.6 MB
Issue 21 December 2023pdf15.1 MB
Issue 20 July 2023pdf4.8 MB
Issue 19 April 2023pdf4.8 MB
Issue 18 December 2022pdf8.2 MB
Issue 17 August 2022pdf7.2 MB
Issue 16 April 2022pdf2.8 MB
Issue 15 December 2021pdf6.0 MB
Issue 14 July 2021pdf3.3 MB