Short-term support at a care home

Care Home Recovery and Assessment

You are going into a care home setting for recovery and to assess your needs.

What can I expect at the Care Home?

During this period, we’ll carry out assessments and work with you to agree your next steps.

We welcome the support of your family or friends in planning your care.

What care and support will I get while I’m in the Care Home?

We will provide the extra help you need by supporting you to regain your confidence and strength, relearn skills or find new ways of doing everyday activities.

Care Homes where Southampton City Council has beds

Southampton City Council has beds in a variety of different care homes across the City and surrounding area.

Where you will go will depend on which care home is most suited to your clinical needs and which has a bed available.

Can I choose the care home I’d like to go to?

Where there are several care homes which can meet your needs and a bed is available, every effort will be made to accommodate your preference. However, this may not always be possible and you will not be able to remain in a hospital bed longer than you clinically need to.