
SSAB Training

Southampton Safeguarding Adults Board team facilitate learning sessions on a variety of topics. Visit the the Southampton Safeguarding Partnership’s Eventbrite page to see what’s on offer.

Southampton Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB) has adopted the following 4LSAB Multi Agency Learning and Development strategy which has been produced to support best practice in adult safeguarding work and to ensure that people working with adults at risk are able to meet the standards outlined in the 4LSAB Multi-Agency Safeguarding Adults Policy and Guidance as well as the new statutory safeguarding duties introduced under the Care Act 2014.

4LSAB Training

The Hampshire Safeguarding Adults Board Learning and Development Programme 2023/24 has been published, where you can book virtual ‘lunch and learn’ sessions held between 12 – 1pm. Details of courses available, and how to book a place, can be found on the Browse and Book Courses page of the HSAB website.

4LSAB Safeguarding Adults Learning and Development Strategy


The below links will take you to free E-Learning on a variety of key topics: