Safeguarding in everyday life

We often explore the importance of safeguarding in relation to organisations and workplaces. Yet safeguarding is just as important in our communities and everyday life. Many people are continuing to work from home and spending an increasing amount of time in their local area. So we want to raise awareness about the importance of safeguarding in the community. On this day we will be focusing on bystander action. We’ll explore the actions you can take if you witness incidents of discrimination or bullying in everyday life.

This video provides information about abuse, how to recognise it and how to report concerns.

Information, support and advice on loneliness and social isolation

Over 9 million people in the UK across all adult ages – more than the population of London – are either always or often lonely. Half a million older people go at least five or six days a week without seeing or speaking to anyone at all. If you know someone who is lonely or socially isolated, they may be vulnerable and open to forms of abuse such as scams and financial abuse. Information on ways to combat loneliness and isolation along with links to organisations and groups who can provide support is available on Connect to Support Hampshire’s Staying Connected webpage and from the organisations listed below.

People of all ages can feel lonely or socially isolated at some point in their lives. For many of us, particularly in later life, loneliness can define our lives and have a significant impact on our wellbeing. See Age UK for information and support available including their befriending service.

Dementia Friends SHOW

Dementia Friendly Communities SHOW

Age Space SHOW

Silverline SHOW

Good Neighbours Network SHOW


The Samaritans SHOW

Wavelength SHOW

Bereavement Support SHOW

The Way Foundation (Widowed and Young) SHOW

Cruse SHOW

Bereavement and End of Life Care SHOW

Safeguarding and you

Do you know what your role in safeguarding is? Safeguarding is for everyone. It’s not just about knowing your role in an employment setting but also about knowing your role as a human being in everyday life to promote safer cultures in the community. Today we want to highlight that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and that everyone needs to play their part to create safer cultures effectively.